More about the club
Evening Club meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month, apart from December, from 18:45 to 21:45 at the Methodist Church Hall, College Street, Burnham-on-sea, TA8 1AS.
Additionally, special whole day demonstrations by leading internationally recognised woodturners are arranged which attract members from other clubs around the South-West and Wales.
During the year George Foweraker holds several drop-in sessions for club members at his workshop to discuss wood turning problems and challenges including tool selection, usage and sharpening.
For more details of all these activities visit the Events page.
Subscription Fees
Membership is open to anyone over the age of 11, however, junior members must be accompanied by a responsible adult. We welcome visitors to all club evenings and the first visit is free for prospective members.
Adults: £36 pa which includes £18 membership of the AWGB (Association of Woodturners of Great Britain) - half yearly membership is available for those joining after 30 June.
Family Membership: £55 pa which includes £28 family membership of the AWGB and an additional £9 pa club membership for one visiting family member.
Juniors (under 19 years): £9 including free AWGB membership.
Members, apart from juniors, also pay £4 (attending family members £1.50) on club evening meetings plus an optional £1 for a raffle in aid of club funds.
If you are interested in joining, please contact the Club Secretary using the email facilities on the Contact page.
Burnham-on-Sea Woodturning Club Data Privacy Policy and Child Protection Policy
URGENT - Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the fact that only minimal club meetings were possible in 2020, the committee has agreed that the club membership part of the annual subscriptions will be suspended for 2021. However, it is a condition of club membership that the AWGB portion of the annual membership must be paid as normal. The AWGB has declared a short period of grace past the 31st December 2020 deadline and therefore for club membership to continue it is vital that members make this payment ASAP. See reminder Email to all members from Ray Blake on 3 January 2021.
To view details of how this payment can be made click here to view the full text of the email sent to all members by James Whitmore on 10 December 2020.