Monthly Project Showcase
At each monthly meeting members are encouraged to bring a turning related to the designated “Monthly Project”, as well as any other recent turnings, for the interest of other members. There will be no judging as such but each “Monthly Project” piece submitted will be photographed and made available for all to view.
To view images of the items click here
February 2020 - candlestick
January 2020 - a flower - only 2 entries this month. Next month should be better now that Christmas and New Year cobwebs will have been blown away and the workshop may be a few degrees warmer!
November 2019 - Christmas Decoration - not as many contributions as previous months but John & Shirley had been prolific!
October 2019 - Pepper mill/Salt mill - there were a good number of fine examples displayed at the October meeting including an excellent coffee grinder by John Davis.
September 2019 - Any off-centre turning - there were 6 entries from 5 club members plus a number of interesting additional items
August 2019 - Fruit - numerous apples and pears plus some cherries as well as some additional bowls
July 2019 - Platter - 6 examples this month
June 2019 - Birdhouse - an excellent first response from club members with 9 separate examples on show as well as the usual impressive additional turnings